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Ovos frescos

Ovos frescos

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North Farm

The Quinta do Norte Project began with the invitation from the Secretaria Regional da Solidariedade Social (the Azores Government social solidarity body) made to a group of institutions to renovate and rehabilitate the former Casa do Gaiato. Cooperation is the project’s basic concept and the partners are: Cresaçor, Associação Novo Dia, ARRISCA, São Miguel’s Casa do Gaiato, Associação Norte Crescente and Tetrapi. Aside from the infrastructures, the Quinta has almost 1400m2 of land where different animals are bred and raised and fruit and vegetables are grown. The renovated Pomar (orchard) is already clearly visible with the (re)birth of different fruit trees and new vegetables are being introduced. Aiming to obtain recognition as a “pedagogical farm”, different animals may be visited,

such as cows, goats, deer, pigs, chicken or rabbits, among others. With the main objective of fighting poverty and social exclusion, the compound is undertaking transformation and acquiring new functions. The goal of achieving the social and professional insertion and reinsertion of a public with low employability has given birth to the development of different active employment programmes in the areas of local and rural development, social and agricultural entrepreneurship, training for new jobs, biological agriculture and social ans solidarity tourism. In short, the idea is to create an occupational, pedagogical, ludic and communitarian space guided by the principles of environmental sustainability.